Thursday, November 1, 2012

FO: Super-cosy Handspun Earflap Hat

Of course, having finished some hanspun, I had to knit it up *immediately*.

I started with this pattern: Knitted Child's Hat as it seemed to have been designed for irregular, handspun type yarn.

However, on starting it, I realised I wasn't too keen on the style. Rather than individual ear flaps, it was actually one piece round the back, like a helmet. So I ripped back and started again, this time without the back section.


After knitting the main body of the hat and trying it on Miss A's noggin, I realised that it was on the small side. Clearly age 1-3 years isn't large enough (or perhaps my gauge was just completely off which, given the nature of my handspun, is entirely possible!). So I crocheted several rounds onto the brim to extend it, and then crocheted earflaps on, attaching braids at the end.

Atlantic Earflaps

I don't know why I find it so much easier to improvise with crochet, it just feels like it grows more organically without needing to count rows, stitches etc.

It's seen a lot of use already, so I think I can count this one as a success! The addition of silk to the wool makes it incredibly warm yet soft.

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