She'd bought a Snugbaby Mei Tai style baby carrier. It was black on one side, and a lovely burnt orange/red colour on the other. Quite a simple design, with no hood, and a base that was pitched as adjustable.
Mei Tais are asian style carriers which at their simplest are a panel of fabric with four straps coming off - two for tying round the waist, and two for going over your shoulders, round baby's back/bum, and back round again. They can be as simple as this or they can be as complex, luxurious and expensive as you like!
As you can see in the pic, one of the features of the Snugbaby Mei Tai is that only the centre section of the base is sewn to the waist strap. What I now know is that this means that this is only really suitable for small babies as it really reduces the amount of time that the baby can be carried with their legs in the comfy and supportive 'knee to knee' position.
However, that wasn't a problem until later. For many months in the spring of this year, this carrier served us splendidly. It was a spring full of random heatwaves, and the breathable cotton twill and slimline cut of the carrier meant that A was vastly happier in it. The straps were wide enough to be supportive, and I really liked how easy and quick it was to put on and off. I also liked how easy it was to wash and dry, and how small it folded up (with it's own little carry bag). Being a bit of a wallflower, I enjoyed the fact that it didn't shout "LOOK AT ME!" - I could wear it black-side out, and often people didn't even notice I was using a carrier.
Sadly by around 6 months old, my super-average 50th centile girl decided to start climbing the charts for both height and weight, and before I knew it her chunky legs were pushing the 'adjustable' sides of the base down and leading to some seriously leg-dangling situations. It was time to move on, but I certainly have a soft spot for this carrier. Knowing a little more now, maybe I would have invested in a Babyhawk or Hop-Tye, but we have many happy memories attached to our little Snugbaby.
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